How to Prioritize your Mental Health During the Holidays

If you have entered a Target in the past few weeks, you are aware that the holidays have arrived! The season of snowflakes and stress is here! As a parent to young children, I am acutely aware that the demands on me during this time of year are exceptionally high. There are gifts to purchase, pageants to practice for, parties to attend, programs to support, and opportunities to volunteer! In the midst of our demanding holiday schedule, we also want to make meaningful memories and celebrate the birth of our Savior in a tangible way. It really can feel like a lot of pressure to touch all of the bases and steward every opportunity well. For many, this season can also be an emotional hot bed as we navigate more time with extended family and balance everyone’s expectations. Here are some tips to help set the tone for a peaceful holiday season:

1. Set Realistic Expectations:

Set a budget for gifts, decorations, and other holiday expenses. Finances can become a source of stress because of the higher demands at this time of year. Having a plan from now will help set the tone.

Don't overcommit yourself. You  might not be able to do every activity and attend every party! Be realistic about how many weekend activities you are able to really enjoy and be present for. Say no when you realize you are over extending your schedule. 

Not every meal, gift and party will be perfect. Accept your limitations and appreciate the small things. 

2. Plan Ahead:

Start your gift shopping early to avoid last-minute rush and stress. Consider online shopping to save time and energy. Black Friday deals are already in full force! Make a list and get it done in plenty of time.

Plan your holiday meals in advance. Prepare a shopping list and consider potluck-style gatherings where guests contribute dishes.

3. Practice Self-Care:

Make sure to continue getting enough high quality sleep. Sleep helps to protect you from stress and sickness. It is so important! 

Don’t ditch your regular exercise routine. Exercise helps all year round, but is extra important during a stressful season. It is tempting to let this fall to the wayside as your schedule ramps up, but it is important to protect this routine! 

When necessary, use relaxation strategies to manage your stress. Take deep breaths, spend time outside, stretch, take along bath. Calm down your nervous system when you are feeling overstressed and overstimulated. 

Maintain your healthy habits! Eating good meals between parties and special days will help to limit the negative effects of those opportunities to indulge. 

Spend quality time with your people. The holidays can create opportunities to connect with people you only see a few times a year, but it is important to set aside special time with the people who matter most. 

Practice gratitude! Our brain actually changes when we are consistently and intentionally grateful. 

6. Create Meaningful Traditions:

The holidays are a time to honor your family’s traditions and to create new ones! Sometimes you don’t realize that a fun activity can become a tradition. If you don’t have well established traditions, its never too late to find some. Think about what you did last year that was unexpectedly fun and festive…and do it again…that is how traditions are born! If you have always wanted to try something with your family, do it….that is also how traditions are born!

8. Seek Professional Support:

If you find holiday stress overwhelming, consider talking to a therapist or counselor, like our Christian counselors in Tampa, who can provide coping strategies tailored to your situation. Most of us have a mixture of hope and grief over the holidays. It is a wonderful season, but it can also be really hard. If you feel overwhelmed about navigating the holidays this year, reach out for professional help. You don’t have to struggle alone. A professional counselor can help you increase insight into why it is so hard while also helping you develop tools to process the experience in a healthy way.

Remember that it's okay to prioritize your well-being and set boundaries during the holiday season. By planning ahead, practicing self-care, and seeking support when needed, you can navigate the holiday season with less stress and more enjoyment. If you are struggling this holiday season, reach out to us at Restoration Counseling! With our Tampa based counseling practice and our online therapy options, we are here for you!


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