Premarital Counseling: Is it Worth the Investment?

Preparing for a lifetime commitment can be both exciting and overwhelming. As couples embark on the journey of marriage, they often find themselves amidst a whirlwind of emotions, from joy and anticipation to anxiety and uncertainty. Amid wedding preparations, one aspect that is gaining increasing recognition is premarital counseling. So much so, that 86% of Americans over 18 say all couples considering marriage should get pre-marriage education. But is it truly worth the investment? The short answer is YES! Let’s explore why premarital counseling might just be one of the best investments a couple can make in their relationship.

According to a 2022 study conducted by The Knot, the average wedding cost is in the state of Florida is around $30,000. This number doesn’t even include the costs of rings, travel, or honeymoon expenses. In addition to financial investment, weddings take an investment of time. Another study conducted by Minted reports the average couple spends approximately 528 hours planning for their big day—that’s equivalent to 22 full days!

But why do couples invest so many precious resources into one single day? The answer to that might be the fact that 82% of young adults expect their marriage to last a lifetime. For many, a lifetime of love is worth a whole lot of celebration. 🎊

Oftentimes though, couples invest so much in planning for their wedding but do not make nearly enough of an investment in preparing for marriage.

Marriage can be the greatest adventure of one’s life when it is healthy, happy, and well-functioning. But we also know maintaining this kind of lifelong love isn’t always easy. Even small variations in belief systems, values, family, money management, responsibilities, sex, and communication styles can cause challenges for even the strongest of couples.

So, how do couples prevent these issues from derailing their marriage? A major antidote to this potential problem is premarital counseling!

Research shows that couples who engage in premarital counseling are 31% less likely to get divorced and experience a 30% increase in marital success and fulfillment. In addition to this, 76% of married couples say they wish they had pre-marriage education. Couples who do not receive pre-marriage education are more likely to view their problems as atypical and unsolvable. And 41% of divorced couples say a lack of pre-marriage preparation contributed to their divorce. With this in mind, it’s easy to see how premarital counseling is an important investment in launching successful lifelong love.

But what exactly is premarital counseling? Premarital counseling is a type of counseling specifically designed for couples considering or preparing for marriage. It can help couples to better understand one another, as well as identify the relationship’s strengths and potential challenges that may arise. It’s important to note that even the strongest of relationships can benefit premarital counseling and education.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Premarital counseling helps couples to:

  • Strengthen communication skills

  • Address potential issues

  • Build emotional intimacy

  • Set realistic expectations

  • Learn conflict-resolution skills

  • Embrace personality differences

  • Gain external perspectives

  • Enhance relationship strengths

Premarital counseling covers an array of topics including:

  • Personality & Relationship Dynamics

  • Families of Origin

  • Individual & Relational Wellbeing

  • Social Support

  • Values & Spirituality

  • Healthy Boundaries with Family

  • Finances & Money Management Styles

  • Roles & Responsibilities

  • Communication

  • Conflict Management

  • Romance & Sex

  • Remarriage & Blending a Family

While variations amongst each partner’s understanding of these topic areas are inevitable, premarital counseling can help couples embrace their differences, find empathy for one another, and create win-win solutions to create a solid foundation for married life.

“A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences” – Dave Meurer

Here at Restoration Counseling, high-quality premarital counseling only costs the average couple $735 and 5 ½ hours of their time. This is less than 2.5% of the average wedding cost and only 1% of the total planning hours! In addition, completing premarital counseling gets you a discount on your marriage license in many states, including Florida!

Under the guidance of an experienced therapist, our premarital counseling program utilizes the SYMBIS Assessment to help you get the most out of your sessions and ensure that we are covering all the important topics associated with a healthy and lifelong marriage. Visit our website to learn more about Premarital Counseling with SYMBIS in Tampa and virtually throughout Florida.

In conclusion, premarital counseling is undoubtedly a worthwhile investment for couples embarking on the beautiful journey of marriage. By proactively addressing potential challenges, building strong communication skills, and fostering emotional intimacy, couples can create a resilient and fulfilling partnership. Remember, a successful marriage is not without its challenges, but it's about facing them together with love, understanding, and the right tools. Through premarital counseling, couples can stand confidently on their wedding day knowing they are equipped for successful lifelong love!

Are you ready to invest in your future together? Take the first step towards a happy and enduring marriage by contacting us today!


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